Creating Your Dreams

April 13, 2017

What is it that you want to have, be or do in your life?  If you are where you want to be, congratulations but for many this is not the case.  In fact, you may be far from where you would like to be.  Perhaps you may desire to be an actor or actress but presently work in a local restaurant to support yourself with the basic necessities.  Do not despair.  If you are persistent, you will realize your dream but I would like to offer you another insight.  In whatever you are doing right now, choose to be excellent.  If you flip hamburgers, choose to be excellent at it.  If you wash windows, cut grass or are a server in a restaurant, choose to be excellent at it.  It is true that what you are doing now may have nothing to do with your future aspirations but choosing to be excellent in what you are doing presently is not wasted energy.  When you choose to be excellent, you engage your mind in making choices that bring forth better results.  This process repeated again makes you a better person in terms of your own self-development and in the eyes of others.  For most, this will not be a big deal but when you care enough to give only the best, it shows even if it seems no one is noticing.  Some need the self-gratification of having others see their good work.  More often than not it will seem like your best efforts create no acknowledgement and is not advancing you toward your dreams.  What to do now?  I challenge you to raise the bar on yourself even higher.  Why?  Because demanding an even higher standard of excellence from yourself when no one else is looking or cares, builds character, plants the seeds of greatness and gives you self-worth that does not require validation from anyone else.  Furthermore, the universe is kind.  The universe wants you to be happy and it wants you to succeed and have your dreams expressed.  The universe is always working on your behalf to create the dreams of your heart even if it seems like nothing is happening.  When you know with certainty the universe is giving you the best, you can go forth without fear because the universe can only give you its best when you, through your commitment to excellence, are giving it your best.